Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Teacher Web Blog

The impacts of using a teacher web style page in the classroom can be significant for both the students and the parents. This kind of website gives students a chance to interact on the internet. There are links that the students can go to, to help the students with homework and on different subjects in the classroom. The students can also go to a website like this in case they lose a homework assignment or were absent from class. The teacher web is also a good way for the parents to check up on the students. There is also a chance for the parents to become involved in the classroom. The parents can see announcements from the teacher and also contact the teacher.
I think that the two biggest advantages of using the teacher web page would be that the parents can be involved in the classroom. They can look at the homework that the teacher assigns to see if the student missed an assignment or if the student was absent from class. There is also an opportunity for the teacher to contact the teacher directly. Another advantage of the teacher web is that the student has opportunities to use the links that are posted on the teacher web. There are also at home assignments that the student can complete such as quizzes and homework.
I think one of the biggest disadvantages would be that not everyone has access to computers. Some families do not have a computer at home or at work. These families may not be able to access the internet either. There could also be problems with parents and students not being computer literate. If the parents do not know how to use the computer they may struggle providing assistance for the student at home.

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