Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blogs and Wikis in Education

There are many different ways that blogs and wikis are being used in the classroom. One interesting way that I found it that the teachers are having the students interact with the rest of the students in the classroom. There was a math blog that I found where students create different geometric shapes and then discuss these shapes on the blog. Another interesting things that I found was that teachers have the students keep a diary or a journal that normally would be in a notebook in a blog. The other interesting way to use blogs that I found was the students interacting with students from other places, that way the students can keep in touch or share results with the other group you are working with.
In the classroom you can use the aggregators because the teacher or student is automatically updated when the blog gets updated. This can be useful because if the students are checking a blog regularly for a certain project than these rss readers can help keep them updated. Also if you are working collaboratively on a project with other students from other places than the readers could be a good tool to keep the project updated.
Using blogs and wikis can be very useful in the classroom. The student has the opportunity to stay updated even when they aren't in the classroom. Also the students are able to collaborate with the teacher and other students. Blogs and wikis can also have a downfall. They are open to all people on the web so there is a good chance that the students can be inadvertently exposed to something bad. Also there are many students that don't have access to computers so having them do something from home can be problematic for those students and their families.

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