Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Multiple Intelligences in the classroom

The intelligences that I most identified with was Interpersonal and Kinesthetic. The core characteristics that are part of Interpersonal are interacting with other people and having leadership qualities. The core characteristics of kinesthetic are being task oriented and well developed fine and gross motor skills. I think that these characteristics describe me as a person. I really enjoy working with other people and interacting with them. When I am in groups I like to be a part of the group and be involved. I also like to help to keep the group on task which helps me to lead the group naturally. I am also a very task oriented person. I have to have my agenda at all times and I write down everything. I like to cross things off a list once I have completed them.
I think that students enjoy this type of intelligences because they are able to have social interaction with their peers. They are also able to move about within the classroom when they use kinesthetic intelligence. I can support this type of learning in the classroom by creating a seating style that allows the children to see each other and interact with each other. I also think that breaking up the school day into small pieces can help keep the students focused on the task at hand.
I think the technologies that can help support this in the classroom could be having the children type things on the computer because that way they are more involved than just writing or reading. Also there are interactive games on the computer that children can play to connect with the learning that they are doing in the classroom.
I think that paying attention to your own mulitiple intelligences can benefit the classroom because than you are not only teaching in that way. I think that if I know what way I am going to have a tendency to teach than I can be aware of it. I can learn ot pay more attention to making sure that I teach to all the rest of the intelligences.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Post

This is my blog that I will be using for T&L 445. I will continue to use this blog throughout the spring semester.